PCSO Louise Neville,
Police Community Support Officer,
Wivenhoe Neighbourhood Policing Team
Louise has been Wivenhoes Police Community Support Officer since 2005. Initially she began at Ipswich Road Police Station but when Neighbourhood Policing was implemented in 2006 she moved to Wivenhoe Police Station.
Louises role is to provide a visible and accessible police presence to the community of Wivenhoe town and the University of Essex. She aims to improve the communitys quality of life and offer greater public reassurance. Although she works along side PC Mick Bond Louise does not have the same powers as a Police Officer. She works with partners, community organisations and businesses to address anti social behaviour and any other factors that will affect the quality of life for the community of Wivenhoe.
Louise can be contacted at Wivenhoe Police Station on 101 ext 438102 or on the Wivenhoe Police Mobile 07966 197245 or by email at wivenhoenpt@essex.pnn.police.uk