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With thanks to Tony Forsgate and especially Betty Bowes, the names of the Ranger Guides have been obtained for the top photograph. They are all members of Wivenhoe Girl Guides, and some time in either 1941 or 1942. Mrs Ruth Munson is the Leader in the centre of each photograph.
If you know any of the names in the bottom photograph, please e-mail their identities to Peter and Bonnie Hill. After this appeal was made, several people have contacted us and the Guides have been named. |
LtoR standing: Daphne King, Mabel Clark, Jean King, Marjorie Green With thanks to Tony Forsgate and especially Betty Bowes for identifying the people in the photo above. Betty believes the photograph was taken in 1941 or 42, in what was then called Thanes Wood, at the end of De Vere Lane. March 2003 Thanks to Pat Green, Sally’s mum, the person in the bottom photo, top row, second from the right, is Audrey Dan(n). She later helped with the Guides in 1948/49 when Pat was then a Guide. And a big thank you to Peter Nessling who, in January 2006, e-mailed from Australia, to provide all but one of the names of the people in the bottom photograph. Thank you Peter, and also to your brother and another person who helped you in this task. |
Top row: L to R. Betty Canham. Daphne King. Doreen Fisk. Doreen Rose. Dorothy Green. Mary Scott. Audrey Dan. Kathy Green. Centre row: L to R. (Unknown.) Mary Munson. Joan Loveless. Mrs Ruth Munson, Joan Goodwin. Pat Denyer. June Woods. Front row. L to R. Pat Flanders. Mary Nessling. Pamela Jeffries. Norma Harvey. Barbara Knappet. Doreen Greenhill. Pat Williams. Valerie Peck. |