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We are a group of women and men who have undergone treatment for Breast Cancer including surgery.  Our aim is to provide emotional support and advice based on our experiences, but more importantly, to make friends with other sufferers and also giving support to the husbands/wives/partners/friends of those who have been diagnosed.   For more information  telephone 01206 826346
What we aim to do:

  • We aim to provide emotional support and advice based on our experiences, but most of all make friends with other suffers including husbands / partners giving them support.

  • Raise aware of Breast Cancer

  • Raise Funds

Our Meetings: 

Please join us between 7.30pm – 9.30pm at the Wivenhoe Scout & Guide Hall, High Street, Wivenhoe on each second Wednesday of the month. This is an informal time to have a cup of tea and chat.

How to contact us:

If you would like to join us, or know someone who does, or just want to know more about the group, please contact us on 01206 820398

Even if you have not been affected by Breast Cancer, you may like to help by fund-raising for this group; if so please contact us to discuss your ideas.