
September 2997 – WAGA’s Annual Show

Once again WAGA staged their Annual Show in the Wm Loveless Hall. There were many trophies and prizes to be awarded. Here are some pictures of Town Mayor Cllr Dave Purdey handing out trophies with WAGA Chairman David Darlington (in the hat) supervising and some members of WAGA’s hard-working committee in the background like Di Duffield, Sid Price and Richard Gladwin.

Remember, you don’t have to be a member of WAGA to enter something in the Show. There are many categories to consider – jams, cakes, handicrafts, flowers and flower arrangements, and not just the traditional vegetables section. So, think about next year. Of course it would be nice if you were to join WAGA and get the advantage of buying your seeds and other gardening items at greatly reduced prices at WAGA’s trading hut on the Allotments.   See WAGA’s home page – click here