August 2007 – Paintings by Jean McNeilat the Wivenhoe Gallery
Trainscapes – by Jean McNeil at the Wivenhoe Gallery August 4th to 31st
Looking out of train windows is one of my favourite pastimes, but this is the first time Ive tried to record the experience. I wanted to convey the feeling of vast spaces: the horizon clearly delineated, the middle distance shifting, the foreground frantically blurred.
Up to now, the composition of the scene was what preoccupied me most, but here I had to let go of notions such as balance and rightness. I think this gave me a new freedom. I wanted to express the feeling of safely tearing through a gathering storm, into the sunset or through the freezing winter landscape.
I have only ever painted landscapes, moving from larger canvases in oils to more spontaneous, quickly executed work on paper. I now mostly work in acrylics and gouache, sometimes with the addition of charcoal. In London I have shown at the Dryden Gallery in 1992, John Jones Gallery in 1997 and the Highgate Gallery in 2000. More recently I have had exhibitions at the Mercury Theatre Gallery (2002) and Les Livres in Colchester (2006). I am currently showing at the Wivenhoe Gallery until August 31st and at the Naze Tower in Walton until 9th September 2007. Jean McNeil |
Note: Jean may be contacted on tel no. 01206 820 527 or by e-mail: Click here for the Wivenhoe Gallery home page