Colchester and North East Essex Centre of the National Trust
A Voluntary Association of National Trust Members founded in 1979
to promote and prosper the work of the National Trust
National Trust Centres are local groups run voluntarily by National Trust members. They exist to support the work of the National Trust in preserving places of historic interest and natural beauty. They provide practical support through fund raising, promotion of the National Trust locally and by voluntary work at local properties.
Membership of the Centre is open to National Trust members, but under the revised constitution is also open to individuals who are not national members of the National Trust, but who perform more than 50 hours voluntary work a year for the National Trust and hold a current Volunteer Card. Membership gives you the opportunity of meeting other National Trust members as well as taking part in the extensive range of activities organised by the Centre.
To join the Colchester & North East Essex Centre, complete the form overleaf.
The principal activities of the Centre are a series of monthly talks throughout the winter months on a variety of topics, outings during the summer months; lunches and other socal events; walks; and generally a holiday break each year. A Newsletter is published three times a year to keep members informed of the Centre�s activities. If you apply for membership you will be sent the latest Newsletter on receipt of you application.
The annual subscription is �10.00 for a couple (ie two people at the same address), �6.00 for a single person and 50p for each child.
Membership is from January 1st to December 31st in any one year, but for new members who join on or after 1st September the subscription runs until 31st December of the following year. (Should you find in January or April that you have mislaid your renewal form, you can use this to renew your own membership; please write Renewal across the top of the form. If you have left it to August you will have been deemed to have left the Centre, and so will not have received the Newsletter.)
Click below for:
- A membership form
- The National Trust web site
- Programme for 2011