Music has always been an important feature of life at St Mary’s Church, Wivenhoe. People are always welcome to come, whether or not part of the regular attendees at Church services. We are always looking for people to join the choir, either to sing regularly, or just for the special occasions with St Mary’s Singers.
St Marys Singers has grown to a group numbering over 40 regular singers, mainly from Wivenhoe, but with members also coming from Colchester and around the area.
We welcome any singers for all voice parts who may like to join us. We would particularly encourage any tenors and basses who would like to come along. Like most singing groups these days, men are in great demand for St Marys Singers and are particularly welcome.
For more information, contact Graham Wadley, Director of Music, Church of St Mary the Virgin, Wivenhoe on tel: 01206 824036 or by e-mail: