Joan Taylor Writer
Joan Taylor (or Joan Norlev Taylor) is an Anglo-Danish New Zealander who has lived in Wivenhoe since 2000. She has written many articles and a number of books on her specialty subjects of Christian origins, early Judaism and archaeology, and also works in media on these topics. (For list of publications see bottom of this page). She is Professor of Christian Origins and Second Temple Judaism at King�s College London.
- Napoleon�s Willow (novel) (Auckland: RSVP, 2016).
- kissing Bowie (novel) (London: Seventh Rainbow, 2013).
- (editor/contributor), KJV: Old Text – New Poetry (Wivenhoe: Wivenbooks, 2011).
- (editor), poetrywivenhoe 2011 (Wivenhoe: Wivenbooks, 2011).
- (annotator and editor), Cecilie Hertz, Livserindringer – Memories of My Life: A Woman�s Life in 19th-Century Denmark, transl. by Birgit Norlev Taylor (New York/Lampeter: Edwin Mellen, 2009).
- (editor/contributor), poetrywivenhoe 2008: A Collection of New Poetry (Wivenhoe: Wivenbooks, 2008).
- Conversations with Mr. Prain (novel) (New Jersey: Melville House, 2006; Melbourne: Hardie Grant, 2006); reissued, revised with a new cover and reading group questions, 2011.
History. Religion and Archaeology:
- The Essenes, the Scrolls and the Dead Sea (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012). Hardback, e-pub. Review of Essenes as major legal school of Second Temple Judaism and the DSS as remains of carefully conserved scroll burials; history of Dead Sea and significance of its healing resources. �Impact Title� for OUP.
- The Essenes, the Scrolls and the Dead Sea (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2015), with revisions. Paperback version of the above.
- The Englishman, the Moor and the Holy City: The True Adventures of an Elizabethan Traveller (Stroud: Tempus/History Press, 2006). Narrative history of the voyage of Henry Timberlake to Jerusalem in 1601, with a focus on holy places and relationships between religious groups.
- Jewish Women Philosophers of First-Century Alexandria –Philo�s �Therapeutae� Reconsidered (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2003; paperback edition 2006). Detailed historical analysis of Philo�s De Vita Contemplativa with a special focus on women and gender.
- The Immerser: John the Baptist within Second Temple Judaism (Grand Rapids, Mich.: Eerdmans, 1997; also published as John the Baptist: A Historical Study (London: SPCK, 1997). An exploration of John the Baptist in his time.
- with Shimon Gibson, Beneath the Church of the Holy Sepulchre: The Archaeology and Early History of Traditional Golgotha (London: Palestine Exploration Fund, 1994). Review of archaeology and history of Golgotha region.
- Christians and the Holy Places: The Myth of Jewish-Christian Origins (Oxford: Clarendon, 1993; rev. ed. 2003). A study of the evidence for early Palestinian Christianity, the places associated with Jesus and their archaeology (esp. Bethlehem, Capernaum, Nazareth, Mamre, Mount of Olives, Mount Zion, Golgotha) and the origins of Christian pilgrimage.
- Therapeutae: A Commentary on Philo of Alexandria, De Vita Contemplativa (Philo of Alexandria Commentary Series, Brill/SBL).
History and Religion: Editor and contributor:
- Jesus and Brian (London: T&T Clark Bloomsbury, 2015).
- The Body in Biblical, Christian and JewishTexts (London: T&T Clark Bloomsbury, 2014).
- Palestine in the Fourth Century.The Onomasticon by Eusebius of Caesarea, introduced and edited by Joan E. Taylor, translated by Greville Freeman-Grenville, and indexed by Rupert Chapman III (Jerusalem: Carta, 2003).
Please contact the Wivenhoe Bookshop to order any of these titles,www.