James Dodds was born in Brightlingsea and trained as a shipwright in Maldon before embarking on his art education at Colchester, Chelsea and the R.C.A.
His East Anglian maritime heritage pervades all of his work, be it in the intriguing curved perspectives of his linocuts of coastal towns or in the rounded figures in his paintings of "things that interest me ~ how things work, people, boats, whatever…."
He works "with a constant feeling for the continuity of the past with the present ~ striving for a balance between head, heart and hand".
Since starting the Jardine Press in the eighties, he has produced, and illustrated with linocuts, about 20 books, mainly on a marine theme.
He has exhibited in the USA and the USSR, all over East Anglia, frequently at the Royal Academy and is currently preparing for a one man show with Messum’s Fine Art, Cork St, London in 2004.
His exhibition: "Shipshape" is currently touring the country, including all the National Maritime Museumin November (see more below)
The name James Dodds is instantly recognisable to Wivenhovians principally because of his linocuts. The picture below is a very familiar one.
James Dodds
20 St John’s Road