Find Friends in Wivenhoe
This page is provided as a means of locating friends and family living in Wivenhoe when contact has been lost for any reason. We will publish whatever details are available and if you can assist in locating the person or persons, please contact as requested.
Carole Hart (nee Simmons) writes: In 1967 I decided with a friend, Kathy Fawkes, to go on a coach tour of Austria and Italy. I also invited a fellow secretary at Kodak in Harrow, Middx. She was Nuala Connor, originally from County Kerry, Ireland. A year afterwards Nuala became engaged to a chap called Bill. She lives in Wivenhoe, but for the past three years has been based in Greece with her husband.
I would very much like to get in touch with her. I can be contacted via the voluntary tracing organisation Searching for a Memory, run by Gill and John Whitley.