
August 2007 – An e-petition for a Cycle Trail to the University from Wivenhoe

Cycling is an environmentally friendly and sustainable mode of transport. It is good for our health and reduces traffic congestion.

Staff and students at the University of Essex, and residents of Wivenhoe and surrounding villages, have long been campaigning for a safe, all-season, off-road cycle route between Upper Wivenhoe and the University campus. However, the route has never been given sufficient priority to receive public funds – partly because no cyclists have yet been killed on the stretch of road linking Upper Wivenhoe and the Essex University campus. Let’s not wait for a death! Help us get a safe cycle route now!

The Wivenhoe Trail which connects South Wivenhoe and the University is considered by many people to be unsafe in winter, and is in an inconvenient location for many residents of Wivenhoe.

As well as providing safe access between upper Wivenhoe and the University, the proposed route would also provide safe walking and cycle access to Broomgrove Infant and Junior Schools for many of its pupils.

Thanks for supporting our petition for a safe cycle route! 

The University of Essex Bicycle User Group (Essex BUG)

Click here to sign the petition: