Bell Ringing at St Mary’s Church
Have you noticed that the bells don’t get rung as often as they used. Now only for special occasions and with the help of friends from other bell ringing groups in the area.
Well, quite simply, there are not enough volunteers.
Practice nights used to be held regularly on a Wednesday evening and now only occasionally. This is not just the opportunity to ring the bells, and try new changes, but to enjoy the company of other people with a similar interest.
The bells, of course, are in excellent condition, having been re-furbished in 1998, ready to be rung in the Millennium year.
Age is no barrier to bell ringing; you do not have to be physically strong, a great mathematician or very musical. Enthusiasm for the idea of ringing out a tradition is all that is required, apart from, of course, givingAdrienne Wood(Tower Captain) a call (tel:01206 826411) to let her know you are interested!