AdrianMulton (or Tim, as he is better known locally) is a professional image maker who has lived in Wivenhoe since 1992. Working freelance, he produces portrait, landscape, and fine art (abstract, nude) photographs, infusing each genre with his own distinctive way of seeing.
Adrian takes on both commercial and private commissions, dividing his time between North Essex and London, where he is currently involved in setting up a photographers cooperative image library.
It was the arts that first brought Adrian to the area in the late 1980s. He studied English and European Literature at the University of Essex, specialising in Russian and Gothic novels. After managing a video store for a couple of years, he ostensibly switched channels and undertook a Masters degree in computing. Although going on to work in the IT sector for the best part of a decade, the arts, or more precisely, the image, remained his passion whether it be the image conjured in the mind by word or lyric, the moving image relayed 24 frames per second, or the static image committed to canvas by the likes of Schiele, Dali, and Giger. Photography was perhaps a natural path for Adrian to take, blending, as it does, art with science. Within two years of experimenting with his first SLR he started selling his work around Wivenhoe, and 2006 saw his first solo exhibition, at Les Livres Gallery in Colchester. Up to this point, Adrian worked entirely with film, although his propensity to alter the reality he saw lead some to think his work was digital in origin. He did finally embrace the digital revolution later that same year, understanding that it would aid the development of his aesthetic.
This partial transition from film to digital (he still shoots infra red film on an old Olympus OM-1) was not, however, the most significant change of direction during 2006. Quitting his job in the City, Adrian undertook a profession photography course at the prestigious London College of Communication, and launched his new career in photography.
The future promises to be busy. Alongside the aforementioned cooperative project and other commercial ventures, Adrian will be studying for a Graduate Certificate in Digital Lens-Based Image Making, as well as setting up a studio, where he will focus on private commissions. He will also continue to progress his personal projects, with a joint exhibition of photography and sculpture planned with Charlotte Bernays.
A small selection of his work can be seen at The Wivenhoe Gallery / Cutting Corners in July 2007 (click here for details) and at the Oops! A Daisy florist in Wivenhoe High Street. For further information, enquiries, and commissions, please contact Adrian via e-mail: or telephone 07757 259390.
Brass Eye
Mr Fabian Bush
The Embrace
A Chill Out Shack
Donne and Dusted
The Worm Ouroboros
For more examples of Adrian’s work, click here